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Drone as First Responder

What it takes to get started in your community, today.

To realize the promise of Drone as First Responder, you need more than just a drone.

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From drones, docking stations, and remote flight software, to training staff, and navigating regulations, successful DFR programs can be complex. Skydio has developed an all-in-one DFR solution so any Public Safety agency can start seeing immediate results and easily grow a DFR program into the future. We’ll handle the details so you can focus on what matters most — keeping your community safe.

A Skydio DFR program ensures you’re ready to get drones on scene fast, respond to incidents with total situational awareness, and resolve them with the best possible outcomes.

Skydio Dock for X10


Be ready

Train staff and certify operators.

Skydio drones can be operated with just a few hours of training, and online courses available at Skydio Academy can get you started on the path to certification at any time. Our partner, UAV Coach, is also available for to help operators get Part 107 certification in as little as two weeks.

Skydio support staff training new operators

Strategically position docked drones.

The Skydio team has the Public Safety experience to help plan where docked drones will be most effective for your community. We’ll look at your goals, size of your force, area of coverage, population distribution, historical call data, budget, and airspace considerations to share best practices and recommendations.

Many docks positioned strategically

Automate dispatch by integrating with other core systems.

DFR Command easily triggers automated drone flights from 911 calls, computer-aided dispatch (CAD) systems, shot detection notifications, or alerts from automated license plate recognition (ALPR) systems. The triggers include exact locations so your drones know where to go without any additional input.

Software UI that shows Auotmated dispatch of drone after alert

Navigate FAA waivers and airspace restrictions.

To operate truly autonomous drone missions, you need approval to fly beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS). Skydio Regulatory Services has unmatched expertise with autonomous flight and aviation to help you process waiver applications, create thorough program documentation, and transition your DFR program into advanced BVLOS operations.

FAA waivers  for Beyond Visual line of site drone flight
Command center showing Skydio DFR Command UI in computer screeen



Get eyes on scene fast and first.

Strategically docked X10 drones can get airborne within 20 seconds and arrive at high-priority scenes in less than two minutes.

Quick launch a Skydio X10 drone in DRF command

Share a common operating picture.

Share a live stream through a one-tap ReadyLink. Integrations with Axon Respond, Fusus, and other platforms ensure your drone video gets in front of the right eyes at the right time.

Skydio DFR Command Readylink to live stream

Fly in inclement weather, day or night.

Skydio X10 and Skydio Dock for X10 are built to withstand wind, rain, snow, high heat, and freezing cold. NightSense allows for autonomous flight in total darkness.

Skydio X10 flying in misty conditions

Command fully autonomous missions.

When automated drone flights are triggered, Skydio X10 and its onboard AI can fly pre-planned routes and navigate avoid obstacles without input from an operator.

Automated mission

Remotely operate your drones from anywhere.

DFR Command software lets operators initiate flights and control drones from a browser window. Remote operators can also assume control of a drone previously launched by a patrol officer, allowing patrol to focus on the action on the ground. You can even command multiple drones from one browser at the same time.

Command center

Equip the right sensors to maximize situational awareness.

Skydio X10 gives you a complete picture down to the smallest detail. A high resolution camera ensures evidentiary value of your video. Telephoto zoom can show what’s in a suspect’s hand or read a license plate from distance. And radiometric thermal imaging can track suspects or find missing persons hidden from view or in complete darkness.

Thermal Sensor
DRF Command Transparenty dashboard



Securely upload evidence.

DFR Command documents call media and metadata for evidentiary and accountability purposes and can automatically upload to Axon Evidence.

upload evidence to

Build community trust through transparency.

Skydio Transparency Dashboard allows for sharing of the information you need for communication with your community.

Community dashboard

Have one objective source of truth.

An industry-first, Skydio X10 now comes with recorded media watermarks. Critical information including the date, time, X10 serial number, and sensor package used, are noted on any photos or video to allow for second-by-second synchronization with other media like body worn camera footage.

Skydio timestamp and drone code on videos recorded for transparency

DFR Success Stories
from the frontlines.

OKCPD brings its Drone as First Responder program to the state fair.


Miami Beach PD advances community safety with Drone as First Responder program.


Flagler County Sheriff safely pursues suspects with drone-first response.

thermal drone footage from Skydio X10 of suspect being located

Ready to build a safer community with a Skydio DFR program?

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